Sunday 10 October 2010

Roll out the barrel

I took this photo in Jerez de la Frontera:

The young man who showed us round the Bodega didn't know who Edward Heath was. I explained that Mr Heath was a lifelong tax consumer and was no longer with us. As a British taxpayer it only seemed right that I should be given the barrel...

Sadly this was not to be.

1 comment:

David Farrer said...

Comments made on previous template:

David Farrer
I'm not sure if they counted the one on the left as "white". If not, no. Both of these were very good.

18 October 2010, 12:11:40 GMT+01:00
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Colin Finlay
Were you able to sample White Port? After decades of being a votary of Cockburns whose port shipping activities seemed as Red as the politburo, I discovered White and now enjoy it almost as much.

18 October 2010, 07:39:23 GMT+01:00
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Colin Finlay
I take it this is a metaphorical replica of the barrel over which all taxpayers are perpetually pinioned.  
 In the long continuum of British life, Income Tax, that nastiest of all financial impositions, is relatively recent. Time to flat tax everyone at 15%.

11 October 2010, 09:36:13 GMT+01:00